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Kylian Mpabbe could miss a chunk of Euro 2024 after sustaining inury

Kylian Mpabbe could miss a chunk of Euro 2024 after sustaining inury

Kylian Mpabbe could miss a chunk of Euro 2024 after sustaining an injury.

The 25-year-old footballer suffered a broken nose - which was was confirmed by examinations taken at the Düsseldorf hospital - as he attempted a header during the Group D match at Dusseldorf Arena and now it is said to have jeoapardised his chances of taking part in the current tournament.

An insider told RTL: "I saw him lying on the massage table. It's not a scratch. The French team will always be stronger with Kylian. But if the news doesn't go in that direction, we will fight without him."

According to the outlet, an "internal source feared a minimum of fifteen days of absence on Monday evening. The blues star would then only see the field again for a possible quarter-final."

FFF confirmed that he was dealt with by Dr Franck Le Gall, who diagnosed the player with a "nose fracture" earlier this week.

At the time, a statement said: " A mask will be made for him so that the number 10 of the French national team can prepare for his return to the competition."

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