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Arne Slot vows to continue Jurgen Klopp's good work at Liverpool

Arne Slot vows to continue Jurgen Klopp's good work at Liverpool

Arne Slot has promised to "build" on Jurgen Klopp's work at Liverpool.

The Dutch coach has a tough act to follow after his predecessor's successful nine-year stint in the Anfield hotseat but is determined to capitalise on the strong position that the Reds have been left in with a combination of old and new faces.

Slot said: "I think we have a lot of quality and the way we played last season was already impressive, so we are going to build from there.

"Of course, you want to take some people with you as well because they know who you are, they know your playing style and they can translate this to the other people in the staff as well. But if you go to a club like Liverpool, you can assume – and I already noticed that – that there a lot of good people working here as well.

"So, we are going to use the best of both worlds to implement a few things from us and to use the knowledge that is inside the club already because of the nine years Jurgen and his staff worked here."

Slot challenged Liverpool's fans and players to "do the same job" as in previous campaigns to ensure that the transition to a new era isn't too painful.

He said: "There is a change but the change hopefully isn't that big, because we still have the same players, we still have the same fans – and if both of them are going to do the same job, that will make my life a lot more easy!"

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