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Willy Hutchinson 'never stopped sleeping' after Craig Richards victory

Willy Hutchinson 'never stopped sleeping' after Craig Richards victory

Willy Hutchinson has “never stopped sleeping” since he beat Craig Richards.

The 25-year-old boxer defeated the former world title challenger earlier this month in Riyadh and it has taken him some time to recover, but now he’s feeling good.

He told Boxing News magazine: “It’s been good. I’ve never stopped sleeping.

“When I first come back, I felt ill, I didn’t feel good at all for the first three or four days. I never got out of bed.

“Over the weekend, I went for a walk and had a bit of food.

“I went to a spa but I was still coming out in bruises on my body and my legs were very sore – but now I feel very good.”

Willy has alluded to going through challenges in recent years, and while he didn’t want to say much beyond it being “family stuff”, he admitted life events have had an impact on him.

He said: “It’s changed the person that I am, how I think and how I am and probably made me more determined than anything.

“When you’re traumatised, you’re never really the same. You go one way or the other.

“The way I’ve took it is it’s given me strength and I believe God put the right people in my life to help me.

“My granny, my coach, my manager, people in my life, I couldn’t have done this myself, I couldn’t have.

“And I believe God put the right people in my life to help me and make me stronger.”

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