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Anthony Gordon writes down his goals each day

Anthony Gordon writes down his goals each day

Anthony Gordon writes down his goals for the day when he wakes up.

The England star is a big believer in manifestation and visualisation and sets out what he is trying to achieve on a daily basis.

Gordon told BBC Sport: "Sometimes I do it in the morning and visualise who I want to be for that day.

"It's just about setting your intentions to who you want to be and it allows you to do that a lot easier.

"We're all naturally very emotional and when you're emotional you tend to make bad decisions. It's trying to come away from those emotions and trying to see the bigger picture."

The Newcastle winger admits that he fell in love with boxing growing up in Liverpool and thinks that is made him tougher in the heat of battle on the pitch.

Gordon recalled: "I think everyone in Liverpool likes boxing. I think every kid just finds themselves in the local boxing club.

"You grow up watching it as well. On the pitch, I think it makes more aggressive, play with more tenacity.

"Before I started (boxing), I was down a lot. I would get pushed off the ball a lot.

"And then when I started doing it, it brought out a different side of me, aggression, and just wanting to win, more desire in those battles."

Gordon is also a lover of chess after teaching himself how to play the strategy game and adores the "peaceful" nature of being at the board.

He said: "I think chess is a life skill because it applies to everything. You've always got to think one, two, three moves ahead.

"Chess I actually taught myself – I didn't have a clue how to play it. I just learned by playing.

"I just love it. It's a very peaceful game. It gets my brain working, which I love."

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