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Fabio Wardley desperate for rematch against Frazer Clarke

Fabio Wardley desperate for rematch against Frazer Clarke

Fabio Wardley is ready for a rematch against Frazer Clarke.

The British fighter maintained his British and Commonwealth titles with a gripping draw against his compatriot in March and is more than willing to go up against his rival once again.

Speaking to Sky Sports, Wardley said: "If it can be made, if it's easily made, if there's no fussing, no messing around, then cool get it done.

"Otherwise I'm still undefeated, I've still got all my belts, I'm still in charge. Ultimately, I'm still in the driving seat so I can do whatever I want if things don't go that way there are other options for us."

The Ipswich fighter added: "Our teams are having discussions about doing it again and bits and bobs and things like that. We're boxers at the end of the day. We're not promoters, we're not agents, we leave the work to them, solicitors, lawyers and stuff, we don't bother with that stuff, we leave it to them."

The pair competed in 12 brutal rounds at London's O2 Arena and Wardley felt he left a "piece of his soul" in the ring that night.

He said: "I left a piece of my soul in The O2 that night. I really do (think that).

"I left at least a pint of blood in there or something as well because it was a messy affair. I left a bit of me in there that night. So The O2, that occasion will forever hold a massive part of me."

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