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Anthony Joshua plans to open care home for former boxers

Anthony Joshua plans to open care home for former boxers

Anthony Joshua wants to open a care home for retired boxers.

The former world heavyweight champion is concerned by the health problems that many former fighters face and he has discussed giving something back with his former coach John Oliver.

Joshua told BBC Radio 4's 'Desert Island Discs': "They suffer by themselves, so we’ve been speaking about opening up a care home. That would be part of my boxing legacy – that I gave something back to the sport that made me."

The fighter hopes that he can walk away from the ring having preserved his health.

Joshua said: "The one thing I would hope for is to keep my health intact. Because it’s your health that is the most important thing you’re ­putting on the line.

"We can notice it in fighters when their health is deteriorating, but we never actually talk about it among ourselves. All we focus on is winning."

Joshua had run-ins with the police as a teenager and admits that he is thankful for boxing for giving him an escape from a difficult upbringing.

The boxer said: "I started getting in trouble – I wanted to make money wheeling and dealing. I was kind of homeless. I moved into a hostel.

"I’m really glad I found boxing – it changed me a lot. You can turn your life around if you focus."

Despite his success in the sport, Joshua admits that he would prefer for his son JJ, eight, to become an accountant rather than go into the ring.

He said: "If I was to choose [a career] for him, I would ask him to probably look at accountancy because I think it’s good to understand numbers."

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