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Mackenzie Martin hopes to inspire

Mackenzie Martin hopes to inspire

Mackenzie Martin hopes to inspire other young black players.

The 20-year-old No. 8 – who broke into the Welsh national side after just nine regional appearances this season – is very proud of his Jamaican heritage and hopes he can be a good role model for those of similar backgrounds.

He told Rugby World magazine: “Tauliupe Faletau was the only black person who played for Wales when I was growing up.

“There’s more now but there’s still loads of communities out there that have amazing players who maybe don’t get the opportunity.

“I don’t know anyone from where I’m from – or anywhere near – that has made a career out of rugby…

“So it’s good that if kids are growing up now and they want to be a rugby player or a sports player or anything, they can see that someone else is doing it.

“It makes them think things like, ‘If he could do it, then why can’t I?’

“If I can do it, I’m pretty sure anyone can do it.”

Mackenzie admitted he struggled with a lack of role models.

He said: “I know Glenn Webbe made it but he was before my time.

“There’s been no one in recent times, so I had no one to go off and no one to look up to and base myself on or maybe ask questions of.”

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