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Sam Gilley ready for new opponent

Sam Gilley ready for new opponent

Sam Gilley is looking forward to getting Louis Greene "out of the way" so he can think about someone else.

The super-welterweight will face his old foe for the Lonsdale belt next month, a year after he took the Commonwealth title from him, and he joked he’s ready for a new opponent now.

He told Boxing News magazine: “I’m stuck with him again.

“I just want to get the fight out of the way so I can finally, after 18 months, start thinking about someone else.”

The 30-year-old boxer knows he’s got his work cut out to defeat Louis again.

He said: “Neither of us are the prettiest boxer. We just stand and have a go…

“He hit me in the first round and I thought, ‘Surely not? Surely somebody else must have jumped into the ring and hit me with a bad.

“Honestly, it’s freaky how hard he punches.

“He’s hard to hit as well. I did my hand hitting him on top of the head because where he leans forward, you end up hitting the hard part of his skull.

“I hit him with a left hook and it bloody hurt.

“When I started to try and go to the body, it made him crouch even lower.

“I could only really nail him when he was throwing. But I think the body shots eventually slowed him a bit.

“But you’ve got to be careful.

“If he lands clean and you’re standing still, you’ll definitely be knowing about it.”

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