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Patrick Reed feels misunderstood

Patrick Reed feels misunderstood

Patrick Reed feels “misunderstood”.

The controversial golfer – who has been mired in allegations of cheating, is estranged from his parents and sister, and been involved in public spats with fellow players – doesn’t pay too much attention to what other people think of him.

He told bunkered magazine: “Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, ‘To be great is to be misunderstood’.

“And I often think I am greatly misunderstood.

“I have always heard that someone else’s opinion of me is none of my business.

“I like to keep things light because life is too short to let anyone rob you of your own happiness.”

And Patrick insisted people who only read about him “really do not know” who he really is.

Asked if there’s anything people don’t know about him that he can reveal, he teased: “Where should I begin?

“If you only know me by what has been written about me, then you really do not know anything about me. So, I guess just watch and see!

“People surprise me every day – sometimes good and sometimes bad.

“But my wife always says I’m a good surprise, so I’ll go with that!”

Patrick joined LIV golf in June 2022 and praised the organisation for “reinventing” his sport.

He said: “LIV is reinventing the way the game is presented.

“I think it’s great to see a different approach to watching golf.”

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