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Fox's Tubi streaming service launches in the UK

Fox's Tubi streaming service launches in the UK

Rupert Murdoch's Fox Corporation has launched its Netflix rival in the UK.

Tubi, which is free with adverts, already garnered 80 million monthly active users in the US.

It boasts 20,000 films and TV series, from Disney, Lionsgate, NBCUniversal and Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Tubi can be accessed via its webpage and or the smartphone app.

The streaming platform's chief executive Anjali Sud said: “Tubi has spent the last decade honing our approach to vast, free and fun streaming in North America, and we feel that now is the perfect time to bring that recipe to UK audiences."

Fox purchased Tubi for $440m (£348m) in 2020.

The launch comes after Murdoch's TalkTV was confirmed to be moving to online-only this summer, taking the channel off air after two years as the focus moves to streaming.

President of Broadcasting Scott Taunton told staff in a briefing obtained by Sky News: "It is obvious to all of us that, for the majority of people, news consumption is shifting online...

"Two years ago, we would not have been brave enough to launch a channel without a linear presence, but audiences of all ages have moved fast and smartphones are now the primary device where news is consumed. We need to adapt to this as a priority.

"We are therefore intending that Talk comes off linear television from early summer and our focus will be on streaming.

"Linear channel slots cost us millions a year and the advertising revenues are never going to materially exceed the cost of being in these distribution slots."

It will continue "as a live streaming news and opinion channel, distributing through streaming platforms to include YouTube, Amazon Fire, Samsung, LG and others."

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