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Japan finally ditches outdated floppy disks

Japan finally ditches outdated floppy disks

Japan has finally ditched floppy disks.

Digital Minister Taro Kono declared the end of an era as the country finally ditched the dated square-shaped data storage - which came out in the 60s.

He said: "We have won the war on floppy disks on June 28!"

It's all part of the country's efforts to modernise and go digital.

Kono previously "declared war" on the disks.

Back in 2022, around 1,900 government procedures relied on the storage devices and CDs.

Speaking at a news conference, he said: "I'm looking to get rid of the fax machine, and I still plan to do that.

He then said: "Where does one even buy a floppy disk these days?"

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