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Popular Spanish beaches closed after drones spot sharks in the water

Popular Spanish beaches closed after drones spot sharks in the water

Spanish beaches have been closed amid fears of potential shark attacks.

Local police drones spotted a shark close to Taliarte Port next to Melenara Beach last weekend and throughout the week, the beach at San Augustin, 20 miles south, was also closed after a new shark sighting.

A spokesman for Telde Council said: "It’s important people stay calm and follow the instructions of the lifeguards and the authorities."

Those on the beach were evacuated from the area last Saturday, and footage emerged of locals running away from the scene.

One girl told local media: "The lifeguard started blowing his whistle and indicating everyone should get out of the water and I looked round and saw its fin."

A friend added: “We saw the fin which was about seven inches out of the water and we began to move as fast as we could back towards the beach.”

In May, the alarm was also raised at Arenal d’en Castell, which suffered a similar sort of incident involving sharks some five years ago.

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