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Dame Joan Collins stars in hilarious new First Choice campaign

Dame Joan Collins stars in hilarious new First Choice campaign

Dame Joan Collins has compared the hassle of cancelling plans to rejecting the advances of former co-stars.

In a hilarious new campaign, glamorous Joan, 91, has joined forces with First Choice to promote their new Flex option, which lets you cancel your trip and receive the cost of your holiday back.

Joan said: "The problem is... like some of my former colleagues... most companies don’t take no for an answer. And no one wants to go ‘full Karen’ just to cancel a holiday.

"It’s time for a little vacation intervention. The people here at First Choice have kindly paid my day rate to dole out some tough love. It’s not a warning, more of a wake-up.

"Opt in at check-out and Flex will allow you to cancel your trip and get the cost of your holiday back – no questions asked”.

"Life’s too short for holidays from hell. But plans you can cancel with 48 hours’ notice? Now THAT’S a Flex."

The campaign was launched after new research found that 80 per cent of young Brits struggle to say "no" to plans with others

According to a survey, four in five young people admit to being a people-pleaser to avoid conflict, and three quarters confess to being too scared to say “no” to plans for fear of upsetting friends, family or partners.

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